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Understanding Dual Eligible Medicare

As a Dual Eligible Medicare recipient, understanding your options and accessing the right plan can significantly impact your healthcare and financial well-being.

Dual Eligible Medicare and Medicaid:
Dual Eligible Medicare recipients are those who qualify for both the federal health insurance program for seniors (Medicare) and the state-based medical assistance program (Medicaid). These individuals often face complex healthcare needs and financial challenges.

FBS: Your Partner in Medicaid Eligibility:
As a community partner of DCF, FBS has the expertise to navigate the complexities of Medicaid eligibility. We understand the intricacies of the application process and can assist you in creating and maintaining your Medicaid eligibility.

Partial and Full Dual Products:
FBS specializes in both partial and full dual products, ensuring we can cater to your specific needs. Partial dual products allow individuals to maintain their existing Medicare coverage while receiving additional Medicaid benefits. Full dual products, on the other hand, integrate Medicare and Medicaid into a single plan, providing comprehensive coverage and streamlining benefits.

Finding the Right Plan and Benefits:
At FBS, we are dedicated to helping Dual Eligible Medicare recipients find the optimal plan and benefits mix. We understand the importance of aligning your coverage with your unique healthcare requirements. Our expert team will guide you through the available options, ensuring you have the right plan in place to meet your needs.

Family Benefit Services, as a community partner of DCF, possesses the knowledge and expertise to assist you in creating and maintaining Medicaid eligibility. Whether you require partial or full dual products, our team will help you find the right plan and benefits mix. Contact FBS today to ensure you receive the comprehensive coverage you deserve as a Dual Eligible Medicare recipient.

We Can Assess Your Eligibility
@ No Cost to You!

Let us help you explore your options and apply. 

Unbiased Help @
No Cost to You.

Family Benefit Services is a full-service insurance brokerage serving Tampa Bay.

Whether you require partial or full dual products, our team will help you find the right plan and benefits mix. Simply call or submit your info below for more information.

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